Health News

Strength genes influence longevity and health

Scientists from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland have found that the presence of genes responsible for higher levels of strength also play a key role in longevity and reducing the risk of developing various diseases. The results of the study were published in the Science Daily news portal.

Strength genes influence longevity and health

More than 340 thousand people aged from 40 to 108 years took part in the study. The authors used handgrip strength to assess genetic predisposition to greater muscle strength, survival, and reduced disease risk.

The results showed that higher handgrip strength was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of various noncommunicable diseases and mortality. Participants with the highest scores had a 5% to 23% lower risk of developing disease compared to those with the lowest scores.

The findings of this study highlight the importance of genetically determined muscle strength in protecting the body from various diseases. However, the influence of lifestyle on health and propensity for longevity is no less strong.